Eco-Safe Restoration Solutions

The environment is everybody’s business. That's why DKI-Pro Pacific uses the most environmentally responsible products available.

Restoration & cleaning services using environmentally safe products

The following Rochester Midland Corporation® (RMC) products not only are safe for the environment, but are also highly effective.

Professional Restoration Series (PRS)

Rochester Midland Corporation’s PRS is a biological-based treatment for water damage claims, including black water. These products are able to digest odours and soils, including fecal matter and urine, reducing them to water and carbon dioxide.

PRS Water Damage PreClean

  • Works from the moment it is applied
  • Removes odour and debris
  • Works continuously, even after technicians leave the work site
  • Limits the biological activity of bacteria
  • Designed for use at trauma scenes, for pet urine clean-ups or for water damage
  • Can eliminate water damage odour in minutes
  • Eliminates the need for other odour control

PRS Water Damage PostClean

  • Continues the digestion and removal of soil load during the drying process
  • Penetrates into areas that would normally be missed, such as within cinder blocks, studs and sill plates
  • Continues to work during the drying process and eliminates itself once drying has completed

PRS Odour Control

  • Designed for the toughest odour issues
  • Eliminates even urine, post mortem and skunk odours
  • Contains no fragrance
  • Does not trigger hypersensitivities

Enviro Care® Natural Disinfectant

  • Environmentally safe
  • Phosphate free, non-alkaline
  • No glycol ethers
  • Effective, chemical-free
  • Kills bacteria
  • Destroys viruses
  • Near neutral pH makes it non-corrosive on finishes
  • No offensive odour

Restore S-520

  • Highly effective anti-bacterial disinfectant
  • Kills mould, mildew & fungal spores
  • Effective against pathogenic bacteria
  • Can be applied to almost any surface
  • Can kill up to 99.9999% of mould and mould by-products
  • Can control regrowth of mould on surfaces
  • Effective odour control
  • Cleans stains caused by mould & mildew
  • Can be used to combat smoke odour

Benefect™ Disinfectant

DKI-Pro Pacific provides insurers and their clients a totally non-toxic disinfectant and anti-mould / mildew solution for residential and commercial use.

Benefect Botanical Disinfectant is the first and only 100% natural disinfectant for safe and efficient removal of bacteria, fungus and mould. Benefect does not contain toxic synthetic chemicals are more dangerous than the germs to be eliminated, and it is scientifically proven to kill 99.99% of all bacteria while remaining completely environmentally safe.

Atomic Cleaner by Benefect™

DKI-Pro Pacific also uses Benefect's Atomic Degreaser for Fire & Soot. Made from all natural ingredients, this heavy-duty cleaner outperforms traditional degreasers, getting the toughest jobs done without impacting the environment or indoor air quality.

Our Service Territory

DKI-Pro Pacific’s exclusive service territory is highlighted on the map above. Please click on the office location closest to your property for contact details.

“I really appreciate the work that was done for me. I especially appreciate the respect and understanding which was offered to me by all the people who worked at the house.”